The Jeweler's Philosophy

Song Lyrics Are Words to Live By!

Episode Summary

Have you ever had the lyrics of a song come through crystal clear at the exact right time in your life?! “I’ve got so much soul in my body, but no one keeping me honest” K. Flay, Giver. Music is a huge part of my life! Not only does it give our lives a soundtrack and sets our mood and tempo, but it also has prolific thought in messaging in the lyrics. I have used music as a tool in my life for many things! When I was younger it helped me overcome depression and heartache. It has helped me relieve stress and angst in my life. Now, I have always been a lyric person and they have always helped me think about things differently, see another perspective, or spoken to me when I need to hear it the most! I’m not sure how music affects you, though I do know that by listening to this episode you’ll gain more insight in to how you can use it to help you overcome the biggest stumbling blocks your head! Enjoy, Mark Farrell “The Jeweler”

Episode Notes

Have you ever had the lyrics of a song come through crystal clear at the exact right time in your life?!

“I’ve got so much soul in my body, but no one keeping me honest” K. Flay, Giver.

Music is a huge part of my life! Not only does it give our lives a soundtrack and sets our mood and tempo, but it also has prolific thought in messaging in the lyrics. I have used music as a tool in my life for many things! When I was younger it helped me overcome depression and heartache. It has helped me relieve stress and angst in my life. Now, I have always been a lyric person and they have always helped me think about things differently, see another perspective, or spoken to me when I need to hear it the most! I’m not sure how music affects you, though I do know that by listening to this episode you’ll gain more insight in to how you can use it to help you overcome the biggest stumbling blocks your head!


Mark Farrell “The Jeweler”

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