Look at the things you do now. If you were to make a list of all these things, how many of them would your younger self scoff at? You know all those things we told our parents we would “NEVER DO!” Or how about all the things we said we would let our kids do, and DON’T! It’s ok if you’re reading this and feel a little bad, know that we all do. When we first make a decision, most of the time it is finite and absolute. This is because we are unaware of what we don’t know. We can’t make a different decision without a different perspective. We can only make decisions based upon the information we have at the time. As time goes on, our decisions may change, and this is fine, because our perspective and point of you is always evolving and changing. Embracing these new decisions is what this episode is all about! Enjoy! Mark Farrell “The Jeweler”
Look at the things you do now. If you were to make a list of all these things, how many of them would your younger self scoff at? You know all those things we told our parents we would “NEVER DO!” Or how about all the things we said we would let our kids do, and DON’T! It’s ok if you’re reading this and feel a little bad, know that we all do. When we first make a decision, most of the time it is finite and absolute. This is because we are unaware of what we don’t know. We can’t make a different decision without a different perspective. We can only make decisions based upon the information we have at the time. As time goes on, our decisions may change, and this is fine, because our perspective and point of you is always evolving and changing. Embracing these new decisions is what this episode is all about!
Mark Farrell “The Jeweler”
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