The Jeweler's Philosophy

Life Goes in Stages

Episode Summary

As people on a path, journey, or traveling through life, our focus shifts and changes with events in our lives! We give our attention to things at certain points in our lives that we may not have in the past. Just because we are focused on one thing and not another doesn’t mean that “the others” are not important. Nor does it mean that we have moved past them or no longer need them. Rather it means that the things we were previously focused on may not need “the handholding” they once did. They simply just may not need “the work” at this time. This is when they make the transition from being things we are “working on” to things we can “rely on.” These things become part of your foundation. You can always come back and work with them or on them later! They are not gone, rather they are part of your arsenal! Don’t be afraid if what you are focused on, is different then it once was… it will all circle back! Enjoy! MF

Episode Notes

As people on a path, journey, or traveling through life, our focus shifts and changes with events in our lives! We give our attention to things at certain points in our lives that we may not have in the past. Just because we are focused on one thing and not another doesn’t mean that “the others” are not important. Nor does it mean that we have moved past them or no longer need them. Rather it means that the things we were previously focused on may not need “the handholding” they once did. They simply just may not need “the work” at this time. This is when they make the transition from being things we are “working on” to things we can “rely on.” These things become part of your foundation. You can always come back and work with them or on them later! They are not gone, rather they are part of your arsenal! Don’t be afraid if what you are focused on, is different then it once was… it will all circle back!



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