The Jeweler's Philosophy

Don't Let Your Fear, Make Decisions For You!

Episode Summary

Fear is something that we all deal with in different ways. You can let fear make decisions for you like most people that never achieve their goals and dreams; or you can choose to make decisions for yourself. At the end of the day, it comes down to what’s more powerful, your desire to achieve great things or being afraid to even try because someone might say something. They could say nice things too and we all love a complement, I’m just saying. I hope this helps! Enjoy! Mark Farrell “The Jeweler”

Episode Notes

Fear is something that we all deal with in different ways. You can let fear make decisions for you like most people that never achieve their goals and dreams; or you can choose to make decisions for yourself. At the end of the day, it comes down to what’s more powerful, your desire to achieve great things or being afraid to even try because someone might say something. They could say nice things too and we all love a complement, I’m just saying. I hope this helps!


Mark Farrell “The Jeweler”

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