The Jeweler's Philosophy

Choose The Advice You Take, Carefully…

Episode Summary

Everyone has an opinion, that doesn’t mean it’s worth taking. Only take advice from people that you respect or look up to in that area. A great and very common example for small business owners is asking their attorneys financial questions, and their accountants legal questions. Now, these professionals know they can’t answer these kinds of questions and they tell you that. What about all the other “Advice” we get from unqualified sources? Like investment or business advice from your banker, parents, or neighbor when none of them are investors or business owners. All I’m saying is, just because you respect someone on some level, doesn’t mean they know everything on every topic. We need to be more discerning with the advice we take. By choosing the advice we take more carefully and spending the time to go look and seek out better advice, we will be much further ahead, and that time will be well spent! Enjoy! Mark Farrell “The Jeweler”

Episode Notes

Everyone has an opinion, that doesn’t mean it’s worth taking. Only take advice from people that you respect or look up to in that area. A great and very common example for small business owners is asking their attorneys financial questions, and their accountants legal questions. Now, these professionals know they can’t answer these kinds of questions and they tell you that. What about all the other “Advice” we get from unqualified sources? Like investment or business advice from your banker, parents, or neighbor when none of them are investors or business owners. All I’m saying is, just because you respect someone on some level, doesn’t mean they know everything on every topic. We need to be more discerning with the advice we take. By choosing the advice we take more carefully and spending the time to go look and seek out better advice, we will be much further ahead, and that time will be well spent! 


Mark Farrell “The Jeweler”

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